Hotrods Baseball 2024

We are very excited for our upcoming shoot on April 19!

The fee for individual photos is $30, which includes photos of your individual poses (we normally do 3 poses - you're welcome to do a few more), in addition to your full team photo. You will be able to download all of your high-resolution digital files from our photo gallery after the shoot, and you can order prints a-la-carte separately once the photos are edited.

Because your $30 pays for the shoot, editing and digital files, you may order your prints at your favorite printer (Bay Photo, Shutterfly, etc.) using your digital files, or order them a la carte from our photo gallery at the same low cost and have them mailed to you. The $30 fee is for shooting, editing, and delivering hi-res images and does not include the cost of prints.

For more information on our process, please click here.